Oppose Hinkley C proposed new nuclear power station

We have several nuclear power stations near us on the Severn, and evil EDF is trying to build a new one, Hinkley C.  I plan to join a 24 hour blockade protest there in March on the anniversary of the Fukoshima disaster. Usually I base my objection to nuclear power on the terrifying danger of nuclear accidents, but let’s not forget the ludicrous financial cost of nuclear. If I told you that 55% of the department of Energy’s entire budget this year is going on decommisioning and cleaning up old nuclear power stations, you’d think I was making it up, but sadly no. Next year, it will be two thirds of the department of energy’s budget. Private companies develop nuclear power, and the govt is left with the bill for cleaning up. And some people try to tell us that renewable energy is uneconomic because green energy is currently helped by a small levy on brown energy. The link below is to Hansard where Chris Hughne gives the figures above.

Find out more about the blockade of Hinkley nuclear power station on 10/11 March here: http://stopnewnuclear.org.uk/pledges

(Sorry this post isn’t about nice cuddly plants and gardening… but remember the Permaculture motto: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Shares!  Most of my posts will be about nice stuff, I promise)   – Peter

2 Replies to “Oppose Hinkley C proposed new nuclear power station”

  1. hi d just like to voice my concerns about the proposed new reactor plant on the seven ! i live in south wales , most of which is mine field !!!!!!!!!!!!! radioactive waste ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pete well opposed !

  2. can we ask for ed daveys resignation ? the u n has environment issues at the top of the agenda ! can we invite them up , ???????? trawsvynydd !!!!!!!! come on ! pete

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